EBI Mapping

Understanding the Logic of an Evidence-Based Intervention (EBI) Using EBI Mapping


Are you deciding between several evidence-based interventions (EBIs) or thinking about adapting an EBI to fit a new situation? Having a clear understanding of the underlying logic of an EBI can help with these decisions by making it easier to identify whether an EBIs fits your population and setting. Identifying the key components and building the logic model, however, can be difficult to do.

Using Intervention Mapping concepts, we developed the EBI Mapping workbook and on-line tool to guide users through existing materials and reports to systematically identify the determinants of health behavior(s) and environmental conditions targeted by an EBI and the methods that were used to bring about the desired change(s). Both formats enable the user to answer questions that produce a logic model showing how program components connect to each other. When used in combination with a needs assessment, EBI Mapping helps users make decisions when adopting, adapting, and implementing EBIs. EBI Mapping can also be applied across multiple EBIs to gain a better understanding of programmatic trends.

Our team piloted EBI Mapping on 20 colorectal cancer-screening interventions from the National Cancer Institute’s Evidence-Based Cancer Control Programs (formerly RTIPs) website and described the process and case study.

You can access the EBI Mapping tool on the EBI Mapping Online.

Note: Creation of EBI Mapping stemmed from work producing IM-Adapt Online, a decision support tool that includes 1) needs assessment, 2) assistance searching for EBIs, 3) comparison of the needs assessment to the EBI logic model, 4) plan for making specific changes, and 5) plan to evaluate the adapted EBI (EBI Mapping is derived from Step 3).

