Brief Dutch Design Manual for Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridges English Summary of the CROW Design Guide

BBRIEFRIEF DDUTCHUTCH DDESIGNESIGN MMANUALANUAL FFOROR BBICYCLEICYCLE AANDND PPEDESTRIANEDESTRIAN BBRIDGESRIDGES by ipv Delft Brief Dutch Design Manual for Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridges English summary of the CROW design guide June 2015 by ipv Delft CONTENTS Introduction 5 4 Loads 37 4.1 Vertical load 38 1 Context 7 4.2 Horizontal load 41 1.1 Local residents 9 4.3 Collision force 41 1.2 Commercial parties 9 4.4 Light structures 44 1.3 Ownership 9 4.5 Vibrations 45 1.4 Planning 9 1.5 Road or waterway passing 10 5 Railings 49 1.6 Ecology 10 5.1 Height 50 1.7 Subsurface 12 5.2 Loads 50 1.8 Infrastructure 12 5.3 Spacing 50 1.9 Maintenance 12 6 costs 53 2 Users 15 6.1 Reducing building costs 54 2.1 Pedestrians 16 6.2 Reducing lifetime costs 55 2.2 Cyclists 16 6.3 Examples 56 2.3 Disabled, Elderly, and 7 Projects 59 Children 21 7.1 Hovenring, eindhoven 61 2.4 Other users 21 7.2 Auke Vleerstraat Bridge, 2.5 Mixed use 22 Enschede 67 3 Slopes 25 7.3 Swing bridge, Rijswijk 73 3.1 The basic guidelines 26 7.4 Stationsweg Bridge, 3.2 Setting the grade 27 Heerhugowaard 79 3.3 Design 28 References 85 3.4 Construction 30 Appendix 87 3.5 Solutions 31 3.6 Alternatives 33 Colophon 88 < Stationsweg Bridge, Heerhugowaard 4 INTRODUCTION As more and more people worldwide are living in densely popu- lated urban areas, the added value of cycling as a means to create safer and healthier cities is being increasingly recognized inter- nationally. Countries such as the Netherlands, where cycling has been part of everyday life for decades and cycling infrastructure is fully embedded in town planning, have now become the ultimate example of how to go about creating attractive and well function- ing cycling infrastructure. As one of the main Dutch bridge design offi ces, ipv Delft has focused on designing bicycle and pedestrian bridges for two decades. Their extensive experience in designing bicycle bridges prompted the Dutch technology platform for transport, infrastruc- ture and public space, CROW, to ask ipv Delft to write the Dutch design guide for cycling and pedestrian bridges, which was pub- lished in 2014. In recent years, ipv Delft received growing international atttention after completion of the renowned Hovenring, a circular cable- stayed bicycle bridge in the city of Eindhoven. When talking to professionals from the fi eld of bridge design and engineering in various countries, the Dutch designers found their knowledge and experience was something that could benefi t city councils, en- gineers and designers worldwide. This realisation led the fi rm to write an English summary of the Dutch Design Guide for Bicycle and Pedestrian bridges. This publication focuses on the fundamentals of bridge design, answering practical questions on bridge width and slope design. It also lists all things that should be taken into account before starting on the actual design, and it offers insight in the Dutch regulations regarding loads and collision forces. To illustrate the theoretical fundamentals, several of ipv Delft’s projects are shown and discussed. General advice on cost reduction is also included, making this publication a vital source of practical information and bridge design inspiration. < Tanerij Bridge, Zwolle 5 1 CONTEXT Once the decision to build a new bicycle or pedestrian bridge has been made, it is key to assess all preferences, requirements, and regulations. Each location also has its own qualities, parties in- volved, and (im)possibilities. Listing all things that could be relevant to the bridge design is the fi rst step towards building the best pos- sible bridge. It may also reveal contradictions or possible confl icts of interest. Among the things to assess are subsurface conditions, under- ground infrastructure, and existing development plans. Future developments need to be taken into account as well, for instance when the new bridge crosses a two lane road that in future will be expanded into a four lane road. The location itself can also have a large impact on the bridge design. Spatial integration could be challenging, especially when building a bridge in a busy and complex built environment such as inner cities. This chapter will therefore also take a closer look at the main site-specifi c characteristics that could infl uence the design, namely existing infrastructure and site adjustment. In order for the project to succeed, it is vital to have the support of all stakeholders involved. Ask for their opinions right from the start and keep them involved in the project as it unfolds. As this chapter only briefl y points out all aspects that can be rel- evant (illustrated with pictures and real life examples), it can best be used as a checklist. < Bicycle underpass, Haarlem 7 Figure 1.1 Pedestrian bridge Waalwijk Participation of locals lead to a design that refers to the site’s railway history Figure 1.2 Bicycle bridge Heerhugowaard Businesses remain clearly visible due to slender bridge design and transparant railing Figure 1.3 Hilversums Kanaal bicycle bridge Newly built bicycle bridge respects existing historically signifi cant road bridge 8 1.1 LOCAL RESIDENTS • Is participation desirable? (Fig. 1.1) • Is there a risk of noise nuisance? If so: can this be prevented? • Is there a risk that the bridge will have a negative infl uence on residents’ views from their homes? If so: can this be prevented? • Is there a risk that the bridge invades residents ‘privacy? If so: can this be prevented? 1.2 COMMERCIAL PARTIES • Could the bridge have a negative infl uence on the visibility of a nearby company? If so: can this be prevented? (Fig. 1.2) • Does the situation offer any co-fi nancing opportunities? 1.3 OWNERSHIP • Is there an inventory of the ownership of nearby parcels? If so: does it offer potential confl ict or possibilities? 1.4 PLANNING • Does the location have signifi cant historical meaning? (Fig. 1.3) • What function(s) should the bridge fulfi l? • Does social safety require extra attention? • Are there sightlines that need to be preserved? • What new opportunities does the site offer? (Fig. 1.5.) • Does lighting require extra attention? • Is there a zoning map? If so: does it contradict building a bridge? If so: can the zoning map be altered? If so: look into what needs to be done. • Is there a site plan or development plan for the site? • Are there any plans to possibly expand or adjust existing infra- structure on site in the (near) future? • Which regulations apply? 9 1.5 ROAD OR WATERWAY PASSING • Is there a nearby turn or corner in the road or navigable water- way? (Fig. 1.4.) If so: try to refrain from intermediate supports. • Should that be impossible, make sure the supports do not ob- struct views and place them as far apart as possible. • Are there nearby traffi c lights? If so: make sure the bridge does not obstruct motorist’s views of the traffi c lights. (Fig. 1.6) • Also: ensure motorists notice traffi c lights in time to safely re- duce speed and stop. 1.6 ECOLOGY • Is the site part of an ecological zone? If so: consult an ecologist. • Does any type of vegetation at the site require extra care or at- tention (such as preservation)? • Does any type of animal at the site require extra care or atten- tion (such as preservation)? Do any trees need to be preserved or replanted? Figure 1.4 Motorists sightlines Clear sightlines require extended span over curved road 10 Figure 1.5 Ulft bicycle and pedestrian bridge Curved layout offers room for benches, adding a function to the bridge Figure 1.6 Unobstructed view of traffi c lights 11 Positioning It will sometimes be necessary to opt for another location or a slightly different positioning of the bridge. When the proposed lo- cation is right next to a busy intersection, it can be a better option to place the bridge away from the intersection by several meters. On other occasions, a relatively simple adjustment to the site such as lowering the road underneath (Fig. 1.7) or moving the connect- ing bicycle path might make a big difference to the viability of the project. 1.7 SUBSURFACE • Has a land survey been done? • Are there any vibration vulnerable buildings nearby? • Has a soil survey been done? • Is calculation of load factors for embankments necessary? • Are there any factors that might infl uence planning? • Is the soil possibly polluted? • Is soil excavation necessary? If so: start necessary procedures, apply for clean up order et cetera. 1.8 INFRASTRUCTURE • Is there an underground utility map? If so: is it recent and likely to be accurate? • Should the utility company be contacted? • Are there any underground cables or pipelines that (might) pre- vent the bridge from being built on this particular location? If so: make an inventory of the possibilities. • Are there any overhead power lines nearby? If so: be aware to earth steel structures and check if inspection is required (Fig. 1.9). • Does the proposed bridge cross any type of railway? If so: look into the specifi c requirements of building across a railway. 1.9 MAINTENANCE • What is the bridge’s required structural lifetime? • Has a maintenance budget been set for the bridge? • Does the city council have a maintenance management plan? • Are there any special desires regarding the bridge’s mainte- nance, such as low or no maintenance? 12 Figure 1.7 Hovenring Lowering the intersection underneath allowed for comfortable slopes Figure 1.8 Nesselande Bridges Overhead power lines meant the steel bridges had to be earthed Figure 1.9 Nesselande Bridges Close-up of earthing system applied 13 14 2 USERS Knowing who will be using the bridge is key to a good design, as is the predicted traffi c fl ow.

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Copake Auction Inc. PO BOX H - 266 Route 7A Copake, NY 12516 Phone: 518-329-1142 December 1, 2012 Pedaling History Bicycle Museum Auction 12/1/2012 LOT # LOT # 1 19th c. Pierce Poster Framed 6 Royal Doulton Pitcher and Tumbler 19th c. Pierce Poster Framed. Site, 81" x 41". English Doulton Lambeth Pitcher 161, and "Niagara Lith. Co. Buffalo, NY 1898". Superb Royal-Doulton tumbler 1957. Estimate: 75.00 - condition, probably the best known example. 125.00 Estimate: 3,000.00 - 5,000.00 7 League Shaft Drive Chainless Bicycle 2 46" Springfield Roadster High Wheel Safety Bicycle C. 1895 League, first commercial chainless, C. 1889 46" Springfield Roadster high wheel rideable, very rare, replaced headbadge, grips safety. Rare, serial #2054, restored, rideable. and spokes. Estimate: 3,200.00 - 3,700.00 Estimate: 4,500.00 - 5,000.00 8 Wood Brothers Boneshaker Bicycle 3 50" Victor High Wheel Ordinary Bicycle C. 1869 Wood Brothers boneshaker, 596 C. 1888 50" Victor "Junior" high wheel, serial Broadway, NYC, acorn pedals, good rideable, #119, restored, rideable. Estimate: 1,600.00 - 37" x 31" diameter wheels. Estimate: 3,000.00 - 1,800.00 4,000.00 4 46" Gormully & Jeffrey High Wheel Ordinary Bicycle 9 Elliott Hickory Hard Tire Safety Bicycle C. 1886 46" Gormully & Jeffrey High Wheel C. 1891 Elliott Hickory model B. Restored and "Challenge", older restoration, incorrect step. rideable, 32" x 26" diameter wheels. Estimate: Estimate: 1,700.00 - 1,900.00 2,800.00 - 3,300.00 4a Gormully & Jeffery High Wheel Safety Bicycle 10 Columbia High Wheel Ordinary Bicycle C.

Algemene Informatie

algemene informatie Centrum Oosterwal Persoonlijke zorg van hoge kwaliteit sinds 1989 Centrum Oosterwal is een door de overheid erkende instelling voor medisch specialistische zorg (IMSZ). In het Centrum vindt diagnostiek en behandeling plaats van zowel dermatologische als flebologische afwijkingen & aandoeningen. Tevens worden de hieraan gerelateerde chirurgische ingrepen uitgevoerd in eigen ultra moderne operatiekamers. In Centrum Oosterwal worden onder meer de volgende aandoeningen behandeld: aambeien acne Professioneel & gedreven team eczemen ‘Behandel mensen zoals je zelf ook behandeld wilt worden’, is het huidallergieën motto van ons enthousiaste team van artsen, verpleegkundigen en huidkanker ondersteunend personeel. Ervaring, training & onderzoek zorgen lymf & lipoedeem ervoor dat alle behandelingen zo aangenaam mogelijk en volgens moedervlekken de laatste medische technieken worden uitgevoerd. open benen ouderdomsvlekken Afspraak maken psoriasis Wij zijn telefonisch bereikbaar van maandag tot en met donderdag spataderen vanaf 8:30 tot 17:00 uur en vrijdag vanaf 8:30 tot 16:00 uur. In trombose/aderontsteking geval van problemen kunt u ons 7 dagen per week, 24 uur per dag telefonisch bereiken. Behandeling alleen volgens afspraak en op wratten verwijzing van huisarts of medisch specialist. zonbeschadigingen routebeschrijving Den Helder Neem op de ring van Alkmaar Bergen Den Helder N245 (N9) afslag Bergen/West Vleugel N510 (Bergerweg). Vervolgens bij het tweede verkeerslicht rechts afslaan (Jan Lighthartstraat). U ziet Centrum Oosterwal nu recht voor u. Neem de eerste afslag rechts (Comeniusstraat) N9 en rijd ongeveer 100m om het N512 pand tot de eerste afslag links. Hier bevindt zich de ingang en gratis parkeergelegenheid. Alkmaar Heerhugowaard Heerhugowaard/Hoorn N9 Volg de ring van Alkmaar(N9) N242 richting Den Helder.

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VU Research Portal Network infrastructure and regional development Vleugel, J.; Nijkamp, P.; Rietveld, P. 1990 document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication in VU Research Portal citation for published version (APA) Vleugel, J., Nijkamp, P., & Rietveld, P. (1990). Network infrastructure and regional development. (Serie Research Memoranda; No. 1990-67). Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. E-mail address: [email protected] Download date: 27. Sep. 2021 M(jo- 6j Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Econometrie ET 05348 Serie Research Memoranda Network Infrastructure and Regional Development; A Case Study for North-Holland J.M. Vleugel P. N ij kamp P. Rietveld Research Memorandum 1990-67 December 1990 vrije Universiteit amsterdam CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 3 2. INFRASTRUCTURE AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3. BACKGROUND 5 4.

Grens Gemeente Schagen

2012 | 99 Besluit van Gedeputeerde Staten van gemeente Hollands Kroon tot aan het snij- Noord-Holland van 28 augustus 2012, punt van de huidige grenzen van de op te nr. 70793/70793, tot vaststelling van de heffen gemeenten Schagen en Harenkarspel grensbeschrijving van de nieuwe en de gemeente Hollands Kroon. gemeente Schagen. D Grens met Hollands Kroon Gedeputeerde Staten van Noord-Holland; Vanaf het onder C. laatstgenoemde snijpunt volgt de nieuwe grens de huidige grens tus sen Gelet op de instemming van de Staten-Generaal de op te heffen gemeente Harenkarspel en de met het wetsvoorstel tot samenvoeging van de gemeente Hollands Kroon tot aan het punt gemeenten Harenkarspel, Schagen en Zijpe; van de huidige grenzen van de op te heffen gemeente Harenkarspel en de gemeen ten Gelet op artikel 2, tweede lid, van de Wet Hollands Kroon en Heerhugowaard. algemene regels herindeling; E Grens met Heerhugowaard Besluiten Vanaf het onder D. laatstgenoemde snijpunt volgt de nieuwe grens de huidige grens tus sen Artikel I de op te heffen gemeente Harenkarspel en de Gedeputeerde staten stellen de grens van de gemeente Heerhugowaard tot aan het snij- nieuwe gemeente Schagen, die gelijk is aan de punt van de huidige grenzen van de op te buitengrenzen van de huidige gemeenten heffen gemeente Harenkarspel en de gemeen- Harenkarspel, Schagen en Zijpe, als volgt vast: ten Heerhugowaard en Langedijk. A Grens met Den Helder F Grens met Langedijk Vanaf het snijpunt van de grens tussen de op Vanaf het onder E. laatstgenoemde snijpunt te heffen gemeente Zijpe en de gemeente Den volgt de nieuwe grens de huidige grens tussen Helder met de grens van de provincie Noord- de op te heffen gemeente Harenkarspel en de Holland met de Noordzee volgt de nieuwe gemeente Langedijk tot aan het snijpunt van grens de huidige grens tussen de op te heffen de huidige grenzen van de op te heffen gemeenten Zijpe en de gemeente Den Helder gemeente Harenkarspel en de gemeenten tot aan het snijpunt van de huidige grenzen Langedijk en Bergen.

Wandelnetwerk Noord-Holland DE VINEX VAN HEERHUGOWAARD

Wandelnetwerk Noord-Holland DE VINEX VAN HEERHUGOWAARD Veel water en groen in de vinexwijken van Heerhugowaard. Tekst en foto’s Joop Duijs e rijkste 1% van de wereldbevolking bezit de helft van alle rijkdom op deze aarde. Ja, laat dat maar even tot u D doordringen… Van alle tijden, deze hemeltergende ongelijkheid. Zo’n vierhonderd jaar geleden leefden de rijken van ons land ook al in de Grachtengordel van Amsterdam. Ze verdienden hun gigantische kapitaal met de VOC en zochten naar allerlei manieren om hun geld te investeren om zodoende nog rijker te worden. Met hun geld werden niet alleen de Schermer en Beemster drooggemalen, ook de Waert werd leeggepompt met de bedoeling er landbouwgrond van te maken. Maar in tegenstelling tot de Schermer en Beemster was de grond van de Heerhugowaard, zoals de drooggevallen polder werd genoemd, zo arm dat er zelfs serieus is overwogen de polder weer te laten vollopen zodat er dan in ieder geval met visvangst nog wat geld kon worden verdiend. De paden van het Waarderhout zijn van nieuw zand voorzien. nno nu zijn de Schermer en Beemster nog steeds groene oases met rechte vaarten en wegen, terwijl A Heerhugowaard een van de drukste bevolkte gebieden is van Noord-Holland. Om die vinexwijken eens te ‘beleven’ reizen we naar het Coolplein, het horecadeel van winkelcentrum Middenwaard, het grootste overdekte winkelcentrum boven het Noordzeekanaal waar we beginnen aan een leuk, 12 ½ kilometer lang ommetje. Er wordt er wel eens smalend gedaan over al die op elkaar lijkende nieuwbouw, maar de wijken doorwandelend lijkt het bepaald geen straf in Heerhugowaard te moeten wonen.


American Woodturner Cumulative index through vol. 36, no. 2, April 2021 Page number acronyms: FC - Front Cover IF - Inside Front Cover BC - Back Cover IB- Inside Back Cover All AAW chapters are listed by state. Symposia are listed by the city where they took place. Cities beginning with the word “Fort” are filed under “Ft.” and cities beginning with “Saint”, under “St.” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Aarsvold, Jack on plywood laminates, 10.2:14 on pricing, 10.2:34 AAW. See also American Woodturner journal accessible lathe program, 28.3:6–8, 29.1:12 administrator, new, 5.1:18 at-large representation, 19.2:12 auctions. See Auctions, AAW awards, Dale Nish, 17.3:8 Board of Directors, 18.1:5, 33.5:4 call for nominees, 29.1:7, 30.1:8, 30.2:10, 31.1:8, 31.2:12,31.6:6, 32.1:5, 32.2:9, 33.1:8, 33.2:12, 33.6:6, 34.1:4, 8, 34.2:10 34.6:6, 35.1:9, 35.2:8, 35.6:6, 36.1:6, 36.2:4, 9 candidates for 2008, 23.3:11 2015, 30.4:6–7 2016, 31.4:6–7 2018, 32.3:4, 32.3:6–7 2019, 33.4:8–9 2020, 34.4:4, 8–9 candidate statements. See under specific candidates change to appointing one member, 35.2:9 community information exchange program, 35.4:37 election results 2015, 29.6:7 2016, 30.6:7 2017, 31.6:5, 32.1:4, 32.6:6 2019, 33.5:9, 33.6:4 2020, 34.5:4, 8 2021, 35.5:6 liaison assignments, 14.3:49 policy on fractal burning, 32.4:5–6 budget, 2017, 32.4:4 bylaws changes, 27.4:6, 35.2:9, 36.2:10 subcommittee report to membership, 26.1:12–13 chapters.

23Rd Annual Antique & Classic Bicycle Auction

CATALOG PRICE $4.00 Michael E. Fallon / Seth E. Fallon COPAKE AUCTION INC. 266 Rt. 7A - Box H, Copake, N.Y. 12516 PHONE (518) 329-1142 FAX (518) 329-3369 Email: [email protected] Website: 23rd Annual Antique & Classic Bicycle Auction Featuring the David Metz Collection Also to include a selection of ephemera from the Pedaling History Museum, a Large collection of Bicycle Lamps from the Midwest and other quality bicycles, toys, accessories, books, medals, art and more! ************************************************** Auction: Saturday April 12, 2014 @ 9:00 am Swap Meet: Friday April 11th (dawn ‘til dusk) Preview: Thur. – Fri. April 10-11: 11-5pm, Sat. April 12, 8-9am TERMS: Everything sold “as is”. No condition reports in descriptions. Bidder must look over every lot to determine condition and authenticity. Cash or Travelers Checks - MasterCard, Visa and Discover Accepted First time buyers cannot pay by check without a bank letter of credit 17% buyer's premium (2% discount for Cash or Check) 20% buyer's premium for LIVE AUCTIONEERS Accepting Quality Consignments for All Upcoming Sales National Auctioneers Association - NYS Auctioneers Association CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Some of the lots in this sale are offered subject to a reserve. This reserve is a confidential minimum price agreed upon by the consignor & COPAKE AUCTION below which the lot will not be sold. In any event when a lot is subject to a reserve, the auctioneer may reject any bid not adequate to the value of the lot. 2. All items are sold "as is" and neither the auctioneer nor the consignor makes any warranties or representations of any kind with respect to the items, and in no event shall they be responsible for the correctness of the catalogue or other description of the physical condition, size, quality, rarity, importance, medium, provenance, period, source, origin or historical relevance of the items and no statement anywhere, whether oral or written, shall be deemed such a warranty or representation.

Sustainable Urban Mobility Through the Perspective of Overcompliance

A Service of Leibniz-Informationszentrum econstor Wirtschaft Leibniz Information Centre Make Your Publications Visible. zbw for Economics Köse, Mehmet Çağrı et al. Article — Published Version Sustainable urban mobility through the perspective of overcompliance Procedia CIRP Provided in Cooperation with: WZB Berlin Social Science Center Suggested Citation: Köse, Mehmet Çağrı et al. (2016) : Sustainable urban mobility through the perspective of overcompliance, Procedia CIRP, ISSN 2212-8271, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Vol. 40, pp. 312–317, This Version is available at: Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen: Terms of use: Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Documents in EconStor may be saved and copied for your Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. personal and scholarly purposes. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle You are not to copy documents for public or commercial Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich purposes, to exhibit the documents publicly, to make them machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. publicly available on the internet, or to distribute or otherwise use the documents in public. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, If the documents have been made available under an Open gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort Content Licence (especially

The History of the Wheel and Bicycles

NOW & THE FUTURE THE HISTORY OF THE WHEEL AND BICYCLES COMPILED BY HOWIE BAUM OUT OF THE 3 BEST INVENTIONS IN HISTORY, ONE OF THEM IS THE WHEEL !! Evidence indicates the wheel was created to serve as potter's wheels around 4300 – 4000 BCE in Mesopotamia. This was 300 years before they were used for chariots. (Jim Vecchi / Corbis) METHODS TO MOVE HEAVY OBJECTS BEFORE THE WHEEL WAS INVENTED Heavy objects could be moved easier if something round, like a log was placed under it and the object rolled over it. The Sledge Logs or sticks were placed under an object and used to drag the heavy object, like a sled and a wedge put together. Log Roller Later, humans thought to use the round logs and a sledge together. Humans used several logs or rollers in a row, dragging the sledge over one roller to the next. Inventing a Primitive Axle With time, the sledges started to wear grooves into the rollers and humans noticed that the grooved rollers actually worked better, carrying the object further. The log roller was becoming a wheel, humans cut away the wood between the two inner grooves to create what is called an axle. THE ANCIENT GREEKS INVENTED WESTERN PHILOSOPHY…AND THE WHEELBARROW CHINA FOLLOWED 400 YEARS AFTERWARDS The wheelbarrow first appeared in Greece, between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE. It was found in China 400 years later and then ended up in medieval Europe. Although wheelbarrows were expensive to purchase, they could pay for themselves in just 3 or 4 days in terms of labor savings.

1990) Through 25Th (2014

CUMULATIVE INDEX TO THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CYCLE HISTORY CONFERENCES 1st (1990) through 25th (2014) Prepared by Gary W. Sanderson (Edition of February 2015) KEY TO INDEXES A. Indexed by Authors -- pp. 1-14 B. General Index of Subjects in Papers - pp. 1-20 Copies of all volumes of the proceedings of the International Cycling History Conference can be found in the United States Library of Congress, Washington, DC (U.S.A.), and in the British National Library in London (England). Access to these documents can be accomplished by following the directions outlined as follows: For the U.S. Library of Congress: Scholars will find all volumes of the International Cycling History Conference Proceedings in the collection of the United States Library of Congress in Washington, DC. To view Library materials, you must have a reader registration card, which is free but requires an in-person visit. Once registered, you can read an ICHC volume by searching the online catalog for the appropriate call number and then submitting a call slip at a reading room in the Library's Jefferson Building or Adams Building. For detailed instructions, visit For the British Library: The British Library holds copies of all of the Proceedings from Volume 1 through Volume 25. To consult these you will need to register with The British Library for a Reader Pass. You will usually need to be over 18 years of age. You can't browse in the British Library’s Reading Rooms to see what you want; readers search the online catalogue then order their items from storage and wait to collect them.

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